Ölmez Madencilik, copper, lead-zinc, iron etc. It is a corporate mining company that aims for continuous development through the research, development and production of metallic mineral deposits. Ölmez Madencilik; It carries out its activities with the best technology known at international standards, in harmony with the environment, respectful of the local people and in a way that will make maximum contribution to the Turkish economy.

We believe that establishing relationships based on trust and mutual gains is important for the commercial success of Ölmez Madencilik. Our obligation to make Ölmez Madencilik a preferred commercial partner creates mutual gains in all our relationships.

We implement this by taking into account the following:

  • To respect and understand the needs and wishes of all members of the societies we work with,
  • To carry out our activities in a way that will benefit the communities we work with,
  • Acting as responsible members of the societies in which we work,
  • To respect the values, opinions and rights of individuals.

We will work to build relationships based on:

  • Open and transparent communication,
  • Learning from each other,
  • Mutual solidarity,
  • Sharing success.

Who Are We?

The reliable leader of the mining industry

Best Ölmez Madencilik aims to be nature-friendly and to be in the industry in domestic and international mineral trade.

Contact us