

Ölmez Madencilik's employment policy has been determined with the priority of developing the region. A process is carried out for the recruitment of new personnel, starting from the villages near our field. Accordingly, after the characteristics of the required personnel are determined, candidates from villages bordering our area are evaluated first, and then candidates from other surrounding villages are evaluated. If a suitable candidate cannot be found, candidates from the district, province and Turkey are examined respectively.


The first rule of being an Ölmez Madencilik employee is to undergo detailed training covering occupational safety, environment and public relations. The content of the training covers all the details that the personnel need to know in order to create a safe working environment. People who have not received this training are strictly prohibited from starting work.

People who have successfully completed the standard training process are included in the orientation program by Human Resources. People who complete the orientation program begin on-the-job training. New employees in our company, regardless of their previous experience, are not allowed to work alone until they learn the company rules and complete on-the-job training, and they do their work under the supervision of an experienced supervisor. During the working period, both trainings requested from departments to increase the professional competence of the employee and trainings for personal development planned by the Human Resources Department are organized.

Professional and personal development training needs of employees are determined in cooperation with their own departments and the Human Resources Department. After training needs are determined, external trainers are brought in for training that is suitable to be given within the institution, or employees are directed to training companies for training open to general participation.



In order to meet the personnel needs reported to the Human Resources Department, the applications available in the CV bank are first scanned in line with the Employment Policy. If suitable candidates cannot be found, an advertisement is placed on contracted job search websites. As a result of the evaluation of the applications, candidates who are considered suitable for the position are included in the interview process. In this process, a committee consisting of human resources and relevant department officials conducts the interviews. During interviews, human resources evaluates the behavioral competencies of the candidate and his/her compliance with the company culture, while the relevant technical department evaluates the technical competence of the candidate.

In blue-collar personnel employment, candidates are subjected to a four-stage test whose reliability has been proven. These tests, which cover matrix, mathematics, reading comprehension and mechanical reasoning, attempt to measure the candidates' general culture and ability levels and their ability to make the right decision in a limited time. These tests help employ people with intense attention span and minimize the possibility of work accidents during the employment process.

At the end of the process, the interviewing committee completes the evaluations of all candidates, and Human Resources makes a job offer to the suitable candidate and carries out the remaining steps of the recruitment process.

You can follow our open positions on Kariyer.net.

Who Are We?

The reliable leader of the mining industry

Best Ölmez Madencilik aims to be nature-friendly and to be in the industry in domestic and international mineral trade.

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